I need to write a CMD script (other shells are not allowed / available) that will execute on multiple servers with different display languages.

When looking at an Windows built in tool, such as logman.exe, I have two unknowns:

  1. Will logman's CLI specification change based on Windows display language?
    • e.g. the 1st param to logman.exe is "start|stop|...". Will this turn into "dĂ©but|arrĂȘtez|..." when the language is French?
  2. Will logman's stdout / stderr messages change based on Windows display language?
    • e.g. when attempting to issue the stop command for a collector that is already stopped, logman.exe will say "Error: Data Collector Set is not running.". Will this turn into "Erreur: Data Collector Set ne fonctionne pas." when the language is French?

Please be specific to the command line tools built into Windows. I'm expecting them to have a documented and uniform behavior in relation to the display language even though I was unable to find the appropriate Microsoft documentation via Google.

  • For example, for the above issue #2, I was expecting to find some kind of string table containing "Error: Data Collector Set is not running." with details on whether or not the string changes in various languages.

(3) Is it possible to force CMD.EXE and all its child processes to use English even though the Windows display language is something else?

  • 65
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