Python script is not being run, all other functions are running and stand alone script runs but combined... nada.
Initially it was */30 * * * * screen python ~/
(Yes there was new line after)
Then I packed the script into bash script:
if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep ; then
date >> ~/cron_log.log
screen python /home/account/
and invoked it with
*/30 * * * * bash ~/
Date gets logged, so it gets to that part but script is never launched
When I try simple cron like */2 * * * * date >> ~/cron_log.log
, works just fine
I tried changing python path to /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /home/account/; touch ~/a_command_has_run
File gets created, so line is run afterall Code is also good when run manually