
I am trying to connect our Active directory server to brand new RHEL 6.5 server. I want to authenticate users using AD credentials, but I want to restrict that only certain users can login, I don't want to allow anybody from AD to connect to it. I would like to use something like this:


but I am not sure how would I setup OU and CN. I use sssd for authentication and my id_provider = ad. I wanted to use id_provider = ldap, but that did not work at all and RHEL customer service told me to setup this way. But I want to have a little bit more control who can do what. I know I can use this to restrict simple_allow_users = user1, user2, but I have 400+ users, I really don't want to go and type them all. Question is how would I setup OU or CN for my search?

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2 Answers2


I have configured a RHEL 6.5 with sssd to authenticate against LDAP, and we configured the ldap_access_filter to check for membership of certain groups (those groups do not need to be configured as the UNIX groups for the group mapping):

ldap_access_filter = (|(groupmembership=cn=group1,ou=groups,o=company)(groupmembership=cn=group2,ou=groups,o=company))

I have searched for similar setups with AD and the equivalent directives, but all the examples I can find are always configuring the AD with access_provider = ldap, so that example could work...

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After many different configurations, I came to the solution where I setup

access_provider = simple
simple_allow_groups = linuxtest

and this worked out the way I wanted to work.

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