Like @zerodiff suggested there seems to be a number of ways to do this via Hudson but they all seemed to be brittle and difficult to maintain when managing a large number of projects. I instead used Maven's wagon plugin to implement the deployment via Maven instead of via Hudson.
The configuration I used in the maven projects:
<!-- Deploy -->
<!-- Deploy -->
<command>sudo /etc/init.d/${} stop</command>
<command>sleep 2</command>
<command>sudo /opt/${}/ ${}.jar</command>
<command>sudo /etc/init.d/${} start</command>
In my maven settings.xml, I have the credentials for the dev-deploy-server:
With the Maven plugin in Hudson, I added the "Invoke Maven 3" Build directive and:
- Goals: clean deploy
- Properties: env=hudson
Finally I set up the security between the two servers so that "hudson_bot" could scp to the dev-deploy-server and gave hudson_bot sudoer NO_PASSWD privileges to the two mentioned scripts in the ssh execute element.