I would like to do the following in a Windows environment:
monitor a folder for the appearance of new file(s), when such files appear, move them into a different folder. Does not necessarily need to occur in real-time, but would like to keep it to within, say, 15 minutes of the appearance of the file.
In Linux, there is a kernel hook to monitor in realtime the appearance of new files in a directory, I don't know if something similar exists in Windows, or if that would even be a desirable solution. I'd like some suggestions on how to achieve this. I use rsync regularly in Linux; is it as reliable under Windows? More importantly, is rsync capable of handling a situation where a file has appeared but has not yet been completely written to - in this case can rsync (or other tool) wait until the file has been completely written before trying to move it?
I'm sure other sysadmins have had to deal with this type of issue, so rather than reinventing the wheel myself, I'd like to hear what others have done.