I am installing SQL Server 2014 on a hosted virtual machine using remote desktop. When I run setup command line options display using .\setup.exe /? , I get the following error:

An error occurred during the SQL Server 2014 Setup operation.
Error result: -2067529723
Result facility code: 1220
Result error code: 5
For more information, review SQL Server 2014 Setup logs in your temp folder.

This error is instantaneous and it does not generate setup logs as stated.

I checked the system requirements for SQL Server 2014, and it state what I believe to be the root cause of the issue:

The installation of SQL Server 2014 fails if you launch the setup through Terminal Services Client. Launching SQL Server Setup through Terminal Services Client is not supported.


I have tried using powershell remoting with a tested core install command line string and it is returning an error indicating that setup is trying to launch a modal dialog:


Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in
UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. 
Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display 
a notification from a service application.

What is the recommended approach to installing the product? Assuming I do not have physical console access, is there an MS approach that would not depend on Microsoft Terminal Services?

John Meyer
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  • Next action: I am going to further research unattended install practice in MS sources. – John Meyer Jul 31 '14 at 16:09
  • I am moving forward on this. The powershell remoting error was generated by the target server´s User Account Control Settings prompting due to the installation of software. I was able to set this to ´never´ logged in as interactive. After that the setup command ran. – John Meyer Aug 01 '14 at 20:30
  • I am having the same problem. If you figured out the solution and remember what it was, feel free to share... – user2173353 Feb 12 '21 at 23:10

1 Answers1


I would like to know, first of all, the intent of this restriction: are they no longer targeting/supporting this product for non Hyper-V virtualization contexts?

It's been this way for a while, actually. The same restriction exists for SQL Server 2012, and the reason is that installing SQL server over a Terminal Services session causes problems and non-deterministic behavior. (Has nothing to do with not supporting other virtualization platforms, and I have both SQL Server 2012 and 2014 instances stood up in Windows Server OSes on the ESXi hypervisor.)

I would like to know, first of all, the intent of this restriction: are they no longer targeting/supporting this product for non Hyper-V virtualization contexts?

The recommended approach is to install the product from a console connection.

As you say that's not an option, because of your host, I would first try using the command line to install it, following the instructions for installing SQL Server 2014 on Server Core. You should be able to use most of the options for connecting a remote command line in Windows to install SQL server remotely.

Alternately, there are remote GUI options that don't involve Terminal Services. You could install a VNC server on this VM, or use something like Webex/GoToMeeting/Teamviewer/etc. to get a remote GUI to the server without utilizing Terminal Services for the session.

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  • Thanks for great answer. First choice would be web ex but is there a way to join a session without TS connection? Any probability I could create an unattended core scripted install and run it outside of the terminal services login using the AT command scheduler? – John Meyer Jul 23 '14 at 14:37
  • How about using something like TeamViewer or the like? – joeqwerty Jul 23 '14 at 14:43
  • @JohnMeyer Unfortunately, I'm not really the one to ask about that... I wouldn't install SQL server via a command scheduler. One of the first things I do on my servers is enable WinRM and PowerShell remoting, so I'd just open a remote PowerShell session and run the installer through that, TBH. PSExec involves a little less setup, and should work as well, though, worst case, I'd just temporarily install a VNC server on the box, and uninstall it after I finished installing SQL server. – HopelessN00b Jul 23 '14 at 14:49
  • @HopelessN00b I went forward with powershell remoting and am getting the following error. Is there a parameter I can use in powershell to overcome this? I am using a recommended core install command line setup. .\setup /ACTION=INSTALL FEATURES=SQLEngine /INSTANCENAME=MAIN /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=portland\administrator /QUIETSIMPLE /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation . Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application. – John Meyer Jul 30 '14 at 22:57
  • Moved info into main question. Thanks for helping me get closer. – John Meyer Jul 31 '14 at 16:08