I am installing SQL Server 2014 on a hosted virtual machine using remote desktop. When I run setup command line options display using .\setup.exe /?
, I get the following error:
An error occurred during the SQL Server 2014 Setup operation.
Error result: -2067529723
Result facility code: 1220
Result error code: 5
For more information, review SQL Server 2014 Setup logs in your temp folder.
This error is instantaneous and it does not generate setup logs as stated.
I checked the system requirements for SQL Server 2014, and it state what I believe to be the root cause of the issue:
The installation of SQL Server 2014 fails if you launch the setup through Terminal Services Client. Launching SQL Server Setup through Terminal Services Client is not supported.
I have tried using powershell remoting with a tested core install command line string and it is returning an error indicating that setup is trying to launch a modal dialog:
Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in
UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation.
Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display
a notification from a service application.
What is the recommended approach to installing the product? Assuming I do not have physical console access, is there an MS approach that would not depend on Microsoft Terminal Services?