I have a SAN volume that provides the storage for 3 machines running Xen 6.2. The volume is down to about 10% free but there is more available unallocated.

The SAN (Equallogic) supports volume resizing but pops up some warnings before it lets you proceed:

  1. "Some OS don't support volumes > 2 Tb"
  2. "Its recommended to take a snapshot before you resize"

I don't have space to store a 2Tb snapshot but #1 concerns me a tad.

Has anyone done this (resize) before? How did it go? From what I've read it shouldn't be a big deal but it would mess up my day to kill dozens of machines (as VMs) in one swift motion.

EDIT: Just read this. A better option?

FWIW: afterwards I was going to follow these directions.

  • 2,327
  • 4
  • 36
  • 72

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