Let's say I receive emails from the following clients:

mail2.dx300.mail.net mail4.dx121.mail.net mail5.dx121.mail.net

Even though these are all from the same service (e.g. LinkedIn or MailChimp), postgrey sees them as entirely different clients. How can I configure postgrey to just look at the domain (mail.net), not the FQDN?

  • 628
  • 2
  • 13
  • 34

1 Answers1


The reason Postgrey sees them as different clients is simply because they are. Each is a Different server with a unique ip-address and hostname.

Unless you add them to a whitelist first they each have to prove they behave like a proper smtp daemon.

But if they all are trusted clients you do not have to individually add them to the whitelist, you have the following options:

# Whitelist the whole domain

# Use Regular Expressions 

# Use CIDR IP Addresses:
  • 72,524
  • 21
  • 127
  • 192
  • Thanks! And there's no way to whitelist a sender email address, correct? (vs mail client IP/host) – CaptSaltyJack Jul 19 '14 at 16:54
  • No, because an email address is not the sending party but a SMTP server is. – HBruijn Jul 19 '14 at 17:14
  • Sender email address is part of the triplet though. The greylist triplet consists of mail client / sender email / recipient email. It's too bad it's not possible to whitelist based on sender email. Thanks for the answer! – CaptSaltyJack Jul 19 '14 at 17:18