I am running an nginx website on a virtual host and I am trying to set up iRedMail, but this is the error I get when running bash iRedMail.sh.

< ERROR > Please configure a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in /etc/hosts before we go further.

etc/sysconfig/network file


etc/hosts file (xxx.xx.xxx.xxx is my real server ip address)   mail.website1.com mail localhost
::1         localhost

xxx.xx.xxx.xxx website1.com
xxx.xx.xxx.xxx website2.com

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

Edit: Still coming up with this error.

< ERROR > Please configure a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in /etc/hosts before we go further.

Example: mail.iredmail.org mail localhost

This is my new config file:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

xxx.xx.xxx.xxx website1.com
xxx.xx.xxx.xxx mail.website1.com mail
xxx.xx.xxx.xxx website2.com
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1 Answers1


Your /etc/hosts file should have a separate line defining the system's IP and fully-qualified domain name and the short name on the same line. Remove the "mail.website1.com" and "mail" from the line with   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6                mail.website1.com mail

Make this change and attempt again.

Also see: Setting the hostname: FQDN or short name?

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  • Okay, I will do that. I also noticed that nowhere is `website1.com` listed on its own. Won't that cause any issues? – pufAmuf Jul 12 '14 at 15:48
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    What you have for website1.com and website2.com is fine. I was just trying to get you past your mail configuration – ewwhite Jul 12 '14 at 15:50
  • Hello, I still get the error as before, and I have edited my post. I read the link you attached - and are you suggesting I change the `HOSTNAME` to something else and replace all `localdomain`'s with the hostname? – pufAmuf Jul 12 '14 at 16:03
  • The HOSTNAME variable should probably just be "mail". You'd need to restart the network service; `service network restart` following that. You may also just reboot. Either way. Don't touch any of the localhost/localdomain entries. – ewwhite Jul 12 '14 at 16:06