I'm trying to track down a time synchronisation problem. I've got a DC in a remote branch.
w32tm /dumpreg /subkey:Parameters reveals Type = NT5DS and the Type means its sync'ing with the domain, I understand. I've checked using: w32tm /stripchart /dataonly /samples:5 /computer:core-fsmo-dc and it's in sync.
I can run the same command against other DCs and some devices but others (including other servers in the branch and elsewhere) give me:
Tracking server1 [w.x.y.z].
Collecting 5 samples.
The current time is 01/09/2009 13:46:01 (local time).
13:46:01, error: 0x800705B4
13:46:04, error: 0x800705B4
13:46:07, error: 0x800705B4
13:46:10, error: 0x800705B4
13:46:13, error: 0x800705B4
I'm logged onto the branch DC when I run these commands and my account is in the Builtin domain Administrators group.
Can anyone explain why I can't get access to some devices and what this error means?