The problem shows as follows:
- Ping hostname <-- the host answers, it seems like the resolution is done over netbios
- nslookup hostname <--
hostname wasn't found by UnKnown: No response from server.
Now comes the funny part. For a short period of time the resolution works. It may also be that one user logged on to the server can resolve the hostname and another can't at the same time.
I got a domain-joined Windows Server 2012 which has the Hyper-V Role installed. The Server got 4 physical network interfaces, where #1 and #2 are used as a virtual switch by Hyper-V and don't have any IP addresses configured.
Network interface #3 and #4 got their IPv4 addresses by our DHCP Server (which is a VM on this Hyper-V host). The virtual Switches #1 got a static IP address and #2 got it's address by DHCP.
I have 2 DNS Servers. Nslookup on both results in the same. The second DNS Server is on another Hyper-V host on another server. Every network interface has the primary and secondary DNS-Server configured, which was shown by ipconfig /all
As an additional information: The resolution seems to work properly on every other client/server except on this one.
Eventlog on the Server with the Problem:
- Hyper-V-VMMS - Event-ID: 32022: Replication did not work due to name resolution of the repliacation partner.
- DNS Client Events - Event-ID: 8015: DNS registration on the DNS Servers did not work, timeout.
Eventlog on the primary DNS-Server:
- DNS-Server-Service: Event-ID: 4015: The DNS-Server recognized a critical ActiveDirectory-Error. Make sure that AD works properly. Errordebuginformation is empty "".
- The AD-Logs didn't show any errors.
The secondary DNS-Server showed no errors recently.
I don't know if a server restart may help, but this is the very last thing I would do, because the VMs are running on this server.
- I disabled IPv6 on every network interface.
- I looked on the network traffic and looked for DNS packets. The DNS Server didn't receive any from this server.
- Looking on the network interfaces of the server with this problem, it seems that it doesn't even send any requests to the dns servers.
- I tried to disable and enable the network interfaces.
Various further diagnotic tools (e.g. dcdiag) did not work due to dns resolution isn't working. So any ideas?