In my access.log file I found a hundreds of lines of empty request like this

mydomain.com:80 [ip-address] - - [02/Jul/2014:09:11:20 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 25491 "-" "-"
mydomain.com:80 [ip-address] - - [02/Jul/2014:09:11:24 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 25491 "-" "-"
mydomain.com:80 [ip-address] - - [02/Jul/2014:09:11:24 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 25491 "-" "-"
mydomain.com:80 [ip-address] - - [02/Jul/2014:09:11:20 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 25491 "-" "-"

They all coming from the same ip address, and sometimes it is about 3-5 requests per second.

I read from this answer https://serverfault.com/a/386136/210624 that

In other words, this was probably somebody opening and closing a connection against port 80, without sending or receiving any data.

but unlike in that question in my case the response code 200,

qsn1: what number 25491 means in this case ?

qsn2: can this be a dos attack, because during that time I saw in my VPS stats that there is a high CPU usage.

qsn3: can I prevent somehow this kind of requests ? say, block the ip address using fail2ban or by some other way ?


update: I just counted, during 20 minutes I have ~ 8000 hits from the same (and only that) ip address, all lines like shown above

  • 245
  • 1
  • 12

1 Answers1


1: 25491 is the size, in bytes, of the response returned by your server.

2: Given the description, it could be some form of low-level DoS. Probably a 'bot.

3: fail2ban is a good idea. You could set up a filter regex along these lines (untested!):

\[<HOST>\] - - \[.*\] "GET / HTTP/1.[01]" 200 \d+ "-" "-"

Then put it in a jail with a maxretry of 100 and a findtime of 60s, say.