I've been developing on a local Ubuntu Server, and moving dev files to production CentOS6 server. Working on installing node,

The internet instructed to install the "development tools" group, so I did and later learned I could just yum install npm, much like the deb apt-get.

yum install npm results in

Protected multilib versions: openssl-1.0.0-27.el6_4.2.i686 != openssl-1.0.1e-15.el6.x86_64

I've checked and I only have openssl.x86_64

Digging deeper into the web I think it's a problem with my updated php and sql being remi? Updated php and mysql with instructions somewhere on the web.

$ rpm -q mysql-libs php-cli php

I've attempted to downgrade openssl with same fail. I attempted yum clean

Yum distro-sync gives me

 Error: Package: mysql-libs-5.5.37-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (@remi)
       Requires: libcrypto.so.10(libcrypto.so.10)(64bit)
       Removing: openssl-1.0.1e-15.el6.x86_64 (@/openssl-1.0.1e-15.el6.x86_64)
       Downgraded By: openssl-1.0.0-27.el6_4.2.x86_64 (updates)
           Not found

I seem to be much better at Ubuntu than CentOS.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue, and get my yum to play nicely again?


Possible error in configs? Here are links to files.

weskamouse.net/conf : url to readable files

Willing to post more, just unsure what's needed.

  • Something's misconfigured with your system. Look for disabled repositories and inappropriate `exclude`s in the yum configuration. – Michael Hampton May 30 '14 at 20:50
  • I've ran `repolist all` and received [weskamouse.net/repolist.html](http://www.weskamouse.net/repolist.html) . I don't know what to make of it though =/ – Theodore Enderby May 30 '14 at 20:58
  • That's .... rather messy. So most likely you either have something excluded in `yum.conf` or your `CentOS-Base.repo` has been tampered with. – Michael Hampton May 30 '14 at 21:01
  • Any advice on what I should be looking for? in my base.repo the only enabled=0 is under [centosplus]. I really think that this is all caused by installing the "Development Tools" group. Is there anything to remove the development tools? – Theodore Enderby May 30 '14 at 21:04
  • But I already told you what to look for and where! – Michael Hampton May 30 '14 at 21:05
  • Just anything excluded? I find that vague but I'm new and I don't want to mess things up further. I'll keep searching the internet. – Theodore Enderby May 30 '14 at 21:07
  • If you don't want to read the files for themselves, at least paste them here so others can look at them. – Michael Hampton May 30 '14 at 21:08
  • I'm reading them, like I said I'm new I just don't know what to look for. I'll be adding links to these files in my post right now. – Theodore Enderby May 30 '14 at 21:11
  • Ah, that confirms it. You are on GoDaddy and they have tampered with your `CentOS-Base.repo`. I've previously written [more information and instructions for fixing it](http://serverfault.com/a/563055/126632). – Michael Hampton May 30 '14 at 21:32
  • After closely examining your answer, I managed to update via a centos mirror, but still cannot distro-sync, downgrade openssl, or install npm. =/ – Theodore Enderby May 30 '14 at 21:42
  • If you replaced the `centos-release` RPM with a pristine copy, and the `CentOS-Base.repo` is correct and has no reference to GoDaddy servers, and you still couldn't run `yum distro-sync` then you may be having another issue. Try all of the above and if you have trouble, please ask a new question. – Michael Hampton May 30 '14 at 21:43

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