Can anyone get uptime.exe to run either the /s or /p:n switches on a Windows Server 2008 box without crashing?

I realise it's a NT tool and no longer supported, but it worked fine on 2003. I've heard there's a version included in Server core, so I was wondering if that works better on 2008?

If uptime.exe is a no go, what do you use instead to get the system availability history?

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6 Answers6


Using WMI: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/ScriptCenter/en-us/a20766d2-6cc8-4d70-920e-c14506bf53a6

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    That just gives me the uptime of the local computer. I can get that by running systeminfo. This script http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2008.12.heyscriptingguy.aspx?pr=blog is better, but again it's for a local machine (but it can be modified), but still a little clunky compared to uptime.exe – fenster Aug 27 '09 at 19:38

I use psinfo out of the PSTools suite. I haven't tested on 2k8, but it seems to get regularly updated by the author, who now works for Microsoft.

Keith Stokes
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You can get this information via SNMP on most devices, so I would expect you can do so with Server 2008.

John Gardeniers
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I agree entirely with fenster. uptime /s gives far better statistics than the alternative suggestions. It's not just the current uptime period we're interested in, it's all the other info that uptime /s supplies. Try running it on a 2003 server and see what we mean.


Take a look at this utility:



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You can use Start -> Run: cmd /k net statistics server. Look for line Statistics since - that is your uptime.

Also see this site for even more possibilites.

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  • That still doesn't give the statistics the uptime /s gives. This is an example of that output: Since 8/26/2009: (Last 90 Days) System Availability: 99.5496% Total Uptime: 89d 23h:45m:21s Total Downtime: 0d 9h:46m:17s Total Reboots: 5 Mean Time Between Reboots: 18.08 days Total Bluescreens: 0 This works fine on Windows Server 2003, but crashes on Windows Server 2008. – fenster Nov 24 '09 at 17:34