I'm hosting my MVC web application on IIS 7.5, and do the following:

  1. Add Application Pool and change Identity to NetworkService;
  2. Edit web application folder permissions to everyone;
  3. Files in C:\inetpub\wwwroot;
  4. Get myWANip.

This works fine when running locally. But when deployed, the web site isn't accessible (the browser reports "this webpage is not available").

What could be wrong?

1 Answers1


Well, web page not available doesn't mean it can't be found, just that it isn't available. This may be a path issue, or not.

I will assume you've set up site in IIS correctly. If so, click on it, click on the browse tab at the bottom and view the homepage from within ISS. This will at least load the page it thinks it should be at.

Since there are so many reasons why it's not working, the first thing to do is navigate to the folder in question. Go to your Views folder and add an HTML file. Open the file in the browser. Now compare this path to that you're trying to use.

Make sure your web.config file allows debugging as this may help.

Is port 80 open? Ensure it is open in the Firewall.

Try opening the website direct from the wwwroot folder

Do you have MVC installed on the machine?

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