During the task of writing a module, I found out that I have a huge amount of configurable parts. To better organize the module (for the sake of read- and maintainability), I have chosen to split template files up. As those template parts/fragments already sum up groups of configurable variables, I thought it might come handy to use hashes that represent the contents of the template fragments
(hash) $db -> template( config.db.erb )
(hash) $*** -> template( config.***.erb )
For some reason, I got something wrong with the Puppet/Ruby foo that I have set up, as only the thrown in hash values get used and the rest stays undef
# Calling the module
class { 'wppuppet':
location => '/var/www/wp',
db => {
prefix => 'foo',
user => 'usr',
pass => '^[:D',
The actual init class inherits from the params defaults class
# init.pp
class wppuppet(
$location = $wppuppet::params::location,
$db = $wppuppet::params::db
) inherits wppuppet::params {
validate_hash( $db )
validate_string( $db['name'] )
# ...
validate_bool( str2bool( $db['repair'] ) )
class { 'wppuppet::config':
db => {
prefix => $db['prefix'],
name => $db['name'],
user => $db['user'],
pass => $db['pass'],
host => $db['host'],
repair => $db['repair'],
# The params.pp defaults class
class wppuppet::params {
$db = {
prefix => 'wp',
name => 'wordpress',
user => 'root',
pass => 'root',
host => 'localhost',
charset => 'utf8',
repair => true,
Then there's the config.pp
file containing the wppuppet::config
class that generates the file from the concatenated templates.
# The actual config.php file
file { "${location}/config.php":
ensure => file,
content => template(
# ...
And finally there's the config.database.erb
define( 'DB_NAME', '<%= @db['name'] %>' );
define( 'DB_USER', '<%= @db['user'] %>' );
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', '<%= @db['pass'] %>' );
define( 'DB_HOST', '<%= @db['host'] %>' );
Edit Can someone explain me where I lost track and why I can't get the default values? When I place notice('params loaded')
or simply dump the $db
hash, I can see it being set in each class on the CLI, but not in the config.pp
file / config class.