There are several things you can do:
1. Application Initialization
You can use Application Initialization Module which comes in-box with IIS 8.0
you can have something like this in your web.config
doAppInitAfterRestart="true" >
<add initializationPage="/" />
This will send a request to the root of your app (initializationPage="/"
) every time your app starts automatically.
You can also configure the Start Mode for your application pool to Always Running
which means every time IIS restarts, it will make sure to start your application pool immediately (this if from right click on your application pool then Advanced Settings

and Preload
for your site itself (right click on the site then Manage Site
then Advanced Settings

2. Disable Idle Time-out
Additionally you can disable idleTimeout (by default IIS will shut down the app after 20 minutes of in activity) by changing the of in Idle Time-out
for your application pool to 0 (infinite)

3. Disable periodic recycling
also turn off Regular Time Interval (minutes)
by default IIS would recycle your app every 29 hours.
