I need to setup an in memory storage system for around 10 GB of data, consisting of many 100 kb single files(images). There will be lots of reads and fairly periodic writes(adding new files, deleting some old ones).
Now, I know that tmpfs behaves like a regular file system for which you can, for example, check free/used space with df, which is a nice feature to have. However I'm interested if ramfs would offer some advantages with regards to speed of IO operations.
I know that I can not control the size of consumed memory when using ramfs and that my system can hang if it completely consumes the free RAM, but that will not be an issue in this scenario.
To sum it up, I'm interested:
- Performance wise, which is faster: ramfs or tmpfs(and possibly why)?
- When does tmpfs use swap space? Does it move already saved data to swap(to free RAM for other programs currently running) or only new data if at that moment there is no free RAM left?