We've a web server used for heavy uploads/downloads (may take minutes).

For doing maintenance disruption, we'd like to know if downloads/uploads are being processed at the current time.

The things we know are :

  • tail -f /var/log/apache/access.log but this one shows only information when the transaction is done
  • netstat -ntaupe | grep 443 | grep ESTABLISHED but here we also have lines for every active session (the web service that is hosted offers a refresh feature that keeps a request open to the server up to the moment something interesting has changed).

How to know which open connexion has a bandwidth traffic?

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1 Answers1


Discovered iftop thanks to https://serverfault.com/a/248285/54845

With a basic setup in ~/.iftoprc :

dns-resolution: no
port-resolution: no
port-display: on
show-bars: yes
hide-source: no
hide-destination: no
use-bytes: yes
show-totals: yes
log-scale: yes

we can now see uploading / downloading traffic over https (port 443) in real time with the following command :

sudo iftop -f 'port 443'

More info can be read here : http://sickbits.net/iftop-finding-traffic-hogs/

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