playsms with gammu gateway is not sending sms.

/var/log/gammu/smsd.log :

gammu-smsd[25994]: Starting phone communication...

gammu-smsd[25994]: Error at init connection: Can not open specified file. (CANTOPENFILE[28])

gammu-smsd[25994]: Going to 30 seconds sleep because of too much connection errors

but gammu is sending sms by this command

echo "sms test" | /usr/bin/gammu --sendsms TEXT ######

gammu-smsd configuration file:

# /etc/gammu-smsdrc


port = /dev/ttyUSB1

connection = at115200

logfile = /var/log/gammu/gammu.log

logformat = textall


Service = files

InboxPath = /var/spool/gammu/inbox/

OutboxPath = /var/spool/gammu/outbox/

SentSMSPath = /var/spool/gammu/sent/

ErrorSMSPath = /var/spool/gammu/error/

InboxFormat = unicode

OutboxFormat = unicode

TransmitFormat = auto

debugLevel = 1

LogFile = /var/log/gammu/smsd.log

DeliveryReport = sms

DeliveryReportDelay = 7200

CheckSecurity = 0

also gammu-smsd-inject is not working

echo "All your base are belong to us" | gammu-smsd-inject TEXT #### output of this command:

-smsd-inject[19831]: Using FILES service

-smsd-inject[19831]: Configuring


-smsd-inject[19831]: SHM token: 0xffffffffce00170a (-838854902)

-smsd-inject[19831]: Warning: No PIN code in /etc/

-smsdrc file

-smsd-inject[19831]: CommTimeout=30, SendTimeout=30, ReceiveFrequency=0, ResetFrequency=0, HardResetFrequency=0

-smsd-inject[19831]: checks: CheckSecurity=0, CheckBattery=1, CheckSignal=1

-smsd-inject[19831]: mode: Send=1, Receive=1

-smsd-inject[19831]: deliveryreport = sms

-smsd-inject[19831]: phoneid =

-smsd-inject[19831]: Inbox is "/var/spool/

/inbox/" with format "unicode"

-smsd-inject[19831]: Outbox is "/var/spool/

/outbox/" with format "unicode" and transmission format "auto"

-smsd-inject[19831]: Sent SMS moved to "/var/spool/


-smsd-inject[19831]: SMS with errors moved to "/var/spool/


-smsd-inject[19831]: Created outbox message OUTC20140315_122347_00_sms0.txt Written message with ID /var/spool/


Any idea why the sms messages are not being sent?

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