NOTE: I moved the question from stackoverflow to serverfault as this question didn't attract attention.
I have a temporary OpenTSDB and hbase hosted on a aws micro server.
I have checked HBase and 2 tables are created by tsdb successfully without LZO compression.
I can successfully start the TSDB using the following command.
./build/tsdb tsd --port=4242 --staticroot=build/staticroot --cachedir=/tmp/tsd
But when I go to my web interface, I can see nothing but Open TSDB header and footer.
I get some warnings in my console whenever I refresh the page.
2014-04-10 09:05:23,972 WARN [New I/O worker #1] HttpQuery: [id: 0xd0cdd077, / => /] File not found: build/staticroot/queryui.nocache.js (No such file or directory)
2014-04-10 09:05:23,973 WARN [New I/O worker #1] HttpQuery: [id: 0xd0cdd077, / => /] Not Found: /s/queryui.nocache.js
Please help me with this.
Update: You can also have a look at my Hbase Installation information at
Many thanks,