I am trying to create Mailbox Rules on my users to automatically Junk mail marked as SPAM by our MTA.

Using my main account as a test account, I am running the following:

new-inboxrule -name “Auto-junk S-P-A-M” -mailbox “*mailboxname*” -MoveToFolder ‘*mailboxname*:\Junk E-Mail' -SubjectContainsWords “S-P-A-M” -StopProcessingRules $true

Unfortunately, EMS is returning the following:

Cannot open mailbox /o=*Organisation*/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=*mailboxname*
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified (0:Int32) [New-InboxRule], ConnectionFailedTransientException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 9C28F133, Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewInboxRule

The administrative account I am using to effect these changes does not have FullMailboxAccess on the test account, but is part of the Organization Management, Recipient Management & Help Desk OUs in the Exchange Security Groups.

Have I missed a required Permission Group to effect this change, do I have to do something to force Exchange 2010 to pick up AD changes (I only recently added the user to Recipient Management and Help Desk) - restart IIS? - or is FullMailboxAccess the only sure-fire solution?

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1 Answers1


If you use -MoveToFolder the user who is execute the powershell command NEED a mailbox on the exchange server.

Secondary the actual user need to have full access (only read-access I did not checked) to the mailbox where you create the InboxRule (what you cannot configure, if the user did not have an mailbox on the server) ...

An Admin-User without a mailbox or without the permission cannot read the Folder-Structure from the mailbox where you want to create the rule.