I have installed

Logstash ElasticSearch Kibana

on an EC2 instance.

I can visit http://example.com:9200 Here I get

  "status" : 200,
  "name" : "Aleta Ogord",
  "version" : {
  "number" : "1.1.0",
  "build_hash" : "2181e113dea80b4a9e31e58e9686658a2d46e363",
  "build_timestamp" : "2014-03-25T15:59:51Z",
  "build_snapshot" : false,
  "lucene_version" : "4.7"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

So elastic search is working, but when I go to


I get "No results There were no results because no indices were found that match your selected time span"

I have a config file in

/etc/logstash/conf.d/ that contains the following:-

input {
  file {
  path => "/var/log/apache/access.log"
  type => "apache-access"

filter {
  grok {
  type => "apache-access"
  pattern => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}"

 output {
 stdout { }

 elasticsearch {
 host => ""

I have checked the logstash log file, and there are no relevent error messages

Please help

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  • Ok, progress.....if I run the bin/logstash agent -f and point to the same config file, it works, yet if I start logstash using the startup script....nothing happens....I installed the *.deb ubuntu packages. – user2099762 Apr 03 '14 at 13:45

4 Answers4


I had an issue where I deleted my index in ElasticSearch, then recreated it. After that nothing appeared in Kibana.

The solution: Simply delete the kibana index pattern on the Settings tab, then create it again. Same name same everything, but now it gave me data.

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    Im facing the issue that, only Timelion is appearing, and all else do not show anything, only the url changes. – Luv33preet Apr 19 '17 at 11:48

For others that are looking at similar problem here is my experience.

I had a really silly issue when I first got everything setup. I got my index setup and Kibana and was getting 0 hits. I confirmed data was in elasticsearch by going to the following url

http://:9200/_search?pretty=true ip for most people will be localhost I was using docker so it was my boot2docker ip. Checked that the index was set to logstash-Date

However in kibana I didn't realize the date time was set to a day in the past. Increasing the range showed my logs. If your new to ELK like me the date time is in the upper right hand corner in Kibana 4.

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What do you see if you go to http://example.com:9200/_aliases?pretty That should show you a list of the indices on the server. This is what the first bit of ours looks like (we have indices split by hour rather than day) ...

      "logstash-2014.04.01.18" : {
        "aliases" : { }
      "logstash-2014.04.01.17" : {
        "aliases" : { }
      "logstash-2014.04.01.16" : {
        "aliases" : { }
      "logstash-2014.04.01.15" : {
        "aliases" : { }

Assuming that looks sensible check what you've got configured in Kibana as a index template - default is [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD. Make sure the one you're using matches what you get back from _aliases.

Given there's nothing shown in the response to _aliases there's a strong implication that Logstash isn't reading the input. When I was first experimenting with Logstash I had

                start_position => "beginning"

in my file stanza. For example ...

    file {
            path => "/var/Log/maillog*"
            type => "mailf"
            charset => "locale"
            start_position => "beginning"

That might help - gets round the problem of Logstash thinking that it's already dealt with the contents of the file. You might also want to enable debug output as suggested at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19086404/how-to-debug-the-logstash-file-plugin

Paul Haldane
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  • I get { } so I'm guessing I have something misconfigured somewhere, just not sure where. – user2099762 Apr 02 '14 at 12:18
  • Have now added output { stdout { debug => "true" debug_format => "json" } elasticsearch { host => "" } } But the log file shows {:timestamp=>"2014-04-02T12:53:24.658000+0000", :message=>"Unknown setting 'debug' for stdout", :level=>:error} {:timestamp=>"2014-04-02T12:53:24.661000+0000", :message=>"Unknown setting 'debug_format' for stdout", :level=>:error} {:timestamp=>"2014-04-02T12:53:24.896000+0000", :message=>"Error: Something is wrong with your configuration."} – user2099762 Apr 02 '14 at 12:59
  • Try output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } } – Paul Haldane Apr 02 '14 at 13:37

I had something similar, it sounds like you havent setup ACL's to allow the logstash user to view that log file.

Use setfacl -m u:logstash:r-x /var/log for example, and then test by editing /etc/passwd and giving the logstash user a shell temporarily. Then, su - logstash, and try and cd or cat that file. If it works, then the data should appear in your Kibana setup.