I'd like to understand common and practical username creation conventions which could be used in companies as unique names of user accounts. Let's say a small company with perspective of growth wants to consolidate its home-grown IT and want to deploy their first enterprise-wide solution. What username would be assigned e.g. to Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joey McFarland and Emma Tillinger Koskoff? Please illustrate on these names as they cover some less typical cases. Please do not simply suggest a naming scheme, but add an explanation of its rules. Mind the conflict resolution when person with duplicate name joins the company or when different names in some cases lead to same username.
I already have experience with naming scheme which would lead to: mscorsese
, ldicaprio
, jmcfarland
and etkoskoff
. It does not give nice result when sorted and usernames are not very readable, but they are kept short and avoid most common duplicates (John and Adrian Smith won't collide).
I'm especially interested in username schemes suitable for companies up to 1000 employees, but experience with usernames in large corporations (100.000+ employees) is welcome, too.