Is there a way to search for an email with a specific Oulook ID? I've got a response from a mail archive tool saying that a messag with the Outlook ID


could not be archived. The Outlook ID seems to be a pretty common identifier for third party extension to identify messages, however I couldn't find a way to search for it inside outlook. And it seems not to be, identical to the message ID on the Exchange server.

Any hints how I may locate the email corresponding to that Oulook ID?

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  • What you are asking for isn't the message ID but rather the EntryID or the StoreID. This question would probably be better suited on SO though, as what you are talking about searching for requires scripting/api/MSDN knowledge. – TheCleaner Mar 27 '14 at 15:27
  • http://www.taskconnect.com/blog/searching-emails-outlook-add shows how to search on arbitrary fields programmatically. HTH. – tbc0 Jun 28 '16 at 17:31

1 Answers1


You must identify if the email not being archived is older than the date the archive was created. The issue cannot be resolved on exchange server's end, but rather there can be a problem on the email client. But this link may help you isolate the issue: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/295657.

  • How is this answer relevant to the question? – joeqwerty Mar 27 '14 at 15:36
  • To sum up @marste's concern, as I understand, the Outlook obtains an error when archiving. That's why outlook is trying to look for an outlook ID of a message. The message being archived is probably older than the archive date. The issue would then be on the client side, not on the exchange side. – chernayavdova Mar 27 '14 at 15:40
  • I understand that this is about PST files, but we use this tool: [link]http://www.opentext.com/What-We-Do/Products/Enterprise-Content-Management/Email-Solutions/OpenText-Email-Archiving-for-Microsoft-Exchange – Marste Mar 27 '14 at 16:11