Background: We need to deliver a video heavy e-learning course to a classroom of ~15 users. This video will be MP4 delivered via HTML5 video so progressive download. As from what I can gather you can't stream to HTML5 Video.
These 15 users will be in the same room, sharing an internet connection.
The video will be lots and lots of short (30 sec) clips, about 9 MB each. These files will be delivered from Amazon Cloudfront (CDN)
With progressive downloads, does each "client" download as fast as it can?
Is this theory correct or way off?
- user A is the first to download a clip, and starts downloading at near-full speed
- user B and C then get to the same stage, so they start downloading but there isn't much bandwidth so they download REALLY SLOWLY
- users D-P are screwed!
How can I advise my client what internet connection he will need to guarantee smooth playback?
Any thoughts/advice?