Say I was creating a hosted application like wordpress, where people manage their blog.
The key point I am focusing on is sychronizing the template pages between all my servers.
So each customer would have 5-10 templates, and say I am running 10 servers.
Any time a customer modifies a template, it would have to be synch'd to the 10 servers.
10000 customers * 10 templates = 100K files.
Say I keep a backup of the templates so they can revert to a previous version, that is now 200K files.
I want to avoid having the template files on a NAS or something because I want to use ec2 for this.
Anyhow, my real question is, is keeping 200K files synchronized between servers something that is manageable or is that allot of files?
I don't have experience with managing files as I normally put this sort of thing at the database.
My initial idea is to do this:
- save the template in the database
- keep a local copy of the templates on each server so I don't have to fetch the template from the database as that will too much kb flying around that i want to have.
In reality the templates won't be changed that often, but really I have no idea at this point how often they will be changed but I would imagine early on people will change them until they get their layout setup as they want it.