I need to query numbers of phones per site for Analog, and IP phones separately. I can do it with these two queries.

IP Phones:

select count(d.name) as IP_Phones, dp.name as DevicePool 
from Device as d 
inner join DevicePool as dp on d.fkDevicePool=dp.pkid 
inner join typemodel as tm on tm.enum=d.tkmodel 
where (tm.name != 'Analog Phone' and tm.name != 'Conference Bridge'
    and tm.name != 'CTI Route Point' and tm.name != 'CTI Port'
    and tm.name != 'MGCP Station' and tm.name != 'Route List'
    and tm.name != 'H.323 Gateway' 
    and tm.name != 'Music On Hold' 
    and tm.name != 'Media Termination Point' 
    and tm.name != 'Tone Announcement Player'
    and tm.name != 'Cisco IOS Conference Bridge (HDV2)'
    and tm.name != 'Cisco IOS Software Media Termination Point (HDV2)' 
    and tm.name != 'Cisco IOS Media Termination Point (HDV2)' 
    and tm.name != 'SIP Trunk' and dp.name like '%PH%') 
group by dp.name
order by dp.name

which results in

ip_phones devicepool
========= ================
815       Site1-DP
43        Site2-DP
32        Site3-DP
890       Site4-DP

Analog Phones:

select count(d.name) as Analog_Phones, dp.name as DevicePool
from Device as d 
inner join DevicePool as dp on d.fkDevicePool=dp.pkid 
inner join typemodel as tm on tm.enum=d.tkmodel 
where (tm.name = 'Analog Phone' and dp.name like '%PH%') 
group by dp.name 
order by dp.name

which results in

analog_phones devicepool ============= ============== 12 Site1-DP 14 Site2-DP 1 Site3-DP 4 Site4-DP

What I'm looking for is a single query that results in something like this:

ip_phones analog_phones devicepool
========= ============= ==========
815       12            Site1-DP
43        14            Site2-DP
32        1             Site3-DP
890       4             Site4-DP    
  • 6,443
  • 1
  • 26
  • 47
  • 268
  • 1
  • 11

1 Answers1


That should do it. The idea is to take both queries, union them together and then group them on device pool so you have one row per pool.

SELECT sum(analog_phones) as analog_phones,
       sum(ip_phones) as ip_phones,
  (SELECT 0 AS analog_phones,
                  count(d.name) AS IP_Phones,
                  dp.name AS DevicePool
   FROM Device AS d
   INNER JOIN DevicePool AS dp ON d.fkDevicePool=dp.pkid
   INNER JOIN typemodel AS tm ON tm.enum=d.tkmodel
   WHERE (tm.name != 'Analog Phone'
          AND tm.name != 'Conference Bridge'
          AND tm.name != 'CTI Route Point'
          AND tm.name != 'CTI Port'
          AND tm.name != 'MGCP Station'
          AND tm.name != 'Route List'
          AND tm.name != 'H.323 Gateway'
          AND tm.name != 'Music On Hold'
          AND tm.name != 'Media Termination Point'
          AND tm.name != 'Tone Announcement Player'
          AND tm.name != 'Cisco IOS Conference Bridge (HDV2)'
          AND tm.name != 'Cisco IOS Software Media Termination Point (HDV2)'
          AND tm.name != 'Cisco IOS Media Termination Point (HDV2)'
          AND tm.name != 'SIP Trunk'
          AND dp.name LIKE '%PH%')
   GROUP BY dp.name
   UNION ALL SELECT count(d.name) AS Analog_Phones,
                    0 AS ip_phones,
                            dp.name AS DevicePool
   FROM Device AS d
   INNER JOIN DevicePool AS dp ON d.fkDevicePool=dp.pkid
   INNER JOIN typemodel AS tm ON tm.enum=d.tkmodel
   WHERE (tm.name = 'Analog Phone'
          AND dp.name LIKE '%PH%')
   GROUP BY dp.name) a
GROUP BY devicepool
ORDER BY devicepool
  • 6,443
  • 1
  • 26
  • 47
  • ETL, I tried your suggestion but I am getting 'A syntax error has occurred.' I tried running as is, changing the cases to all match, and i noticed an 'a group' at the end and tried deleting the a. all resulted in the same error. any thoughts? I am running the query on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager 9.2. Perhaps this is causing the issue... I'm researching the use of union in cisco right now. – driz Mar 14 '14 at 16:12
  • I made an edit which might solve it. SQL-wise, this query will give you what you want, from what I gather, CUCM uses Informix for database and I'm not familiar with what SQL standard they implement in there. – ETL Mar 14 '14 at 16:37
  • it looks like 'NULL' is the problem. tried it a couple ways and even tried "select name from device where (name != NULL)", which errors out aswell. – driz Mar 14 '14 at 17:48
  • Yeah, null keyword can't be used like that on Informix - http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v115/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.sqls.doc%2Fids_sqs_0192.htm -- see new edit. – ETL Mar 14 '14 at 18:13
  • definitely getting closer! i can't upvote anything yet, but this is the error now: Corresponding column types must be compatible for each UNION statement. – driz Mar 14 '14 at 18:19
  • silly me.. fixed it. of course you are doing a count, so it's a number, not a string. – ETL Mar 14 '14 at 18:37
  • that worked! marking as answer. thanks ETL!!! I feel like a schmuck for not noticing the string vs number thing but my excuse is no experience in SQL! thanks again! – driz Mar 14 '14 at 18:43