What's the postfix equivalent to sendmail -bp?

Gary Richardson
  • 1,767
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8 Answers8


Or, less typing:

  • 95,029
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postqueue -p
Andrejs Cainikovs
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qshape active

will show you the number of emails being sent to each domain and how long they have been in the active queue

qshape deferred 

will show you the same but for the deferred queue

Alistair Prestidge
  • 806
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Here's what I use, culled from the postfix mailing list. I removed the author's name, in case he doesn't want it here (you can see it at the source). It only displays totals.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# postfix queue/s size
# author: 
# source: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/postfix-users/message/255133

use strict;
use warnings;
use Symbol;
sub count {
        my ($dir) = @_;
        my $dh = gensym();
        my $c = 0;
        opendir($dh, $dir) or die "$0: opendir: $dir: $!\n";
        while (my $f = readdir($dh)) {
                if ($f =~ m{^[A-F0-9]{5,}$}) {
                } elsif ($f =~ m{^[A-F0-9]$}) {
                        $c += count("$dir/$f");
        closedir($dh) or die "closedir: $dir: $!\n";
        return $c;
my $qdir = `postconf -h queue_directory`;
chdir($qdir) or die "$0: chdir: $qdir: $!\n";
printf "Incoming: %d\n", count("incoming");
printf "Active: %d\n", count("active");
printf "Deferred: %d\n", count("deferred");
printf "Bounced: %d\n", count("bounce");
printf "Hold: %d\n", count("hold");
printf "Corrupt: %d\n", count("corrupt");

EDIT: Fixed a typo on line 26.

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  • Great script, and IMHO should be a part of the standard Postfix distribution. Unlike mailq/postqueue returns immediate answer for a queue under duress – Alexander Pogrebnyak Aug 14 '12 at 16:27
  • Just a word of caution on the particular implementation of `count` function. It will fail in Postfix 2.9+ when enable_long_queue_ids=yes'. I think it should not be too hard to fix it for long queue ids. – Alexander Pogrebnyak Aug 15 '12 at 15:58

postqueue -p | tail -n 1

Last line in the postqueue -p shows how many requests and size:

-- 317788 Kbytes in 11860 Requests.

  • 1
    This command executes quickly since it doesn't waste cycles displaying the individual emails in the queue. If just want the total, run this. – Paul Calabro Nov 16 '17 at 17:35

[root@server ~]# time mailq | grep -c '^[0-9A-Z]'


real 0m1.333s

user 0m0.003s

sys 0m0.003s

(above result indicating that there are 10 email is queue)


If you don't have qshape you can install it via the following yum commands:

yum groupinstall perl development
yum install postfix-perl-scripts

qshape prints Postfix queue domain and age distribution information. You can read more about it here:


Example output

% qshape -s hold | head
                         T  5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
                 TOTAL 486  0  0  1  0  0   2   4  20   40   419
             yahoo.com  14  0  0  1  0  0   0   0   1    0    12
  extremepricecuts.net  13  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   2    0    11
        ms35.hinet.net  12  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0    1    11
      winnersdaily.net  12  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   2    0    10
           hotmail.com  11  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0    1    10
           worldnet.fr   6  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0    0     6
        ms41.hinet.net   6  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0    0     6
                osn.de   5  0  0  0  0  0   1   0   0    0     4
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Brock Hensley
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Here is an example.


for q in active  bounce  corrupt  defer  deferred  flush  hold  incoming  maildrop  pid  private  public  saved  trace

        count=$(find /var/spool/postfix/$q ! -type d -print | wc -l)
        echo $q $count
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