I've got dhcpd pushing updates to bind, and it seems to be working fine:

named[24161]: client signer "dhcp_updater" approved
named[24161]: client updating zone 'office.lan/IN': adding an RR at 'Examples-MBP.office.lan' A
named[24161]: client updating zone 'office.lan/IN': adding an RR at 'Examples-MBP.office.lan' TXT
named[24161]: client signer "dhcp_updater" approved
named[24161]: client updating zone '10.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN': deleting rrset at '' PTR
named[24161]: client updating zone '10.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN': adding an RR at '' PTR

However, our MacBooks are often on WiFi and plugged in via ethernet at the same time. This means that bind rejects the update, because of duplicate hostnames:

named[24161]: client updating zone 'office.lan/IN': update unsuccessful: Examples-MBP.office.lan: 'name not in use' prerequisite not satisfied (YXDOMAIN)
named[24161]: client updating zone 'office.lan/IN': update unsuccessful: Examples-MBP.office.lan/TXT: 'RRset exists (value dependent)' prerequisite not satisfied (NXRRSET)

I don't actually care too much about the forward lookup, I just want the reverse lookup on both IPs, so that both IP addresses point to the same hostname.

Here's the relevant part of dhcpd.conf:

ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-domainname "office.lan.";
ddns-rev-domainname "in-addr.arpa";
key DHCP_UPDATER { algorithm hmac-md5; secret "{{secret key}}"; };
zone 10.168.192.in-addr.arpa. { primary; key DHCP_UPDATER; }
zone office.lan. { primary; key DHCP_UPDATER; }

and the relevant parts of named.conf.local:

zone "office.lan" IN {
    type master;
    file "/var/lib/bind/office.lan.db";
    allow-update { key DHCP_UPDATER; };

zone "10.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
    type master;
    file "/var/lib/bind/10.168.192.in-addr.arpa";
    allow-update { key DHCP_UPDATER; };

I tried commenting out the zone office.lan. and ddns-domainname lines in dhcpd.conf, but then I was just getting these error messages:

dhcpd: Unable to add forward map from Examples-MBP.office.lan. to timed out

So the question is: How can I get dhcpd to just update the records in 10.168.192.in-addr.arpa, and not worry about duplicate hostnames in office.lan.db? Alternatively, is there some way to ignore duplicate hostnames, or alter the hostnames to make them unique?

Please let me know if you need any further information.

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1 Answers1


I've found a good solution. I just put our Wifi devices on a different VLAN, so that I could configure a different dynamic DNS domain for that subnet.

So now a reverse lookup for a wifi client IP returns <hostname>.wifi.lan, and a wired client returns <hostname>.office.lan.

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