I am trying to install SecurityOnion (an xubuntu 12.04 based linux distrobution) using cobbler.

I have followed the instructions here to get cobbler installed from source on Ubuntu 12.04.

I have also followed the instructions here to configure cobbler but I am getting an error on the cobbler import step.

I am running cobbler import --name=securityonion --path=/media/iso --breed=ubuntu but it fails

task started: 2014-03-08_110255_import
task started (id=Media import, time=Sat Mar  8 11:02:55 2014)
Found a candidate signature: breed=ubuntu, version=precise
Found a candidate signature: breed=ubuntu, version=saucy
Found a candidate signature: breed=ubuntu, version=oneiric
Found a candidate signature: breed=ubuntu, version=lucid
Found a candidate signature: breed=ubuntu, version=quantal
Found a candidate signature: breed=ubuntu, version=raring
No signature matched in /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/securityonion

I assume this is because I need to add a signature to /var/lib/cobbler/distro_signatures.json

I know I should be able to copy and paste the definition for precise and make it work since SecurityOnion uses 12.04 but I don't know how to change the definition so that it matches whatever string of text I assume cobbler is looking for under the installation files that make up securityonion.

I have read the documentation on cobbler site but it doesn't seem to give me what I need to be able to add an additional distribution.

Anyone know what I can do to modify the signatures file to accept this additional distribution?

Chris Magnuson
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1 Answers1


Cobbler will download the latest 'update' distro_signatures.json using the command below:

# cobbler signature update
  • 11
  • 1
  • 1
    I am not looking to download the latest version but to author a new version by adding a new signature to the file. – Chris Magnuson Aug 09 '14 at 05:51
  • Since it is Ubuntu based -- wouldn't you use Ubuntu as the signature? For instance both Fedora and RHEL fall under the Red Hat signature. http://cobbler.github.io/manuals/2.4.0/4/2/3_-_Distro_Signatures.html – Jeremy Hajek Oct 19 '17 at 01:01