I have Remote Desktop Servers running Windows 2008R2. Some with all the latest Windows Updates, some without. All of them, over time, have a svchost process eat up a large amount of RAM (goes up and up... some after a few weeks are above 1GB).
I traced the svchost process to be the NSI - Network Store Interface Service process.
I found these two things on-line about this but none provide a solution.
- http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/78e2e4a5-6b03-46a0-917c-e9d76eea7756/svchost-for-nsi-network-store-interface-high-memory-usage
- http://www.networksteve.com/forum/topic.php/Network_Store_Interface_Service_memory_leak/?TopicId=32216&Posts=9
One of those post suggested to unplug and replug the network cable - I tried and the result has been svchost process memory usage suddenly climbing (instead of going down as suggested).
Anyone has experienced and solved that?