I'm trying to configure monit to send emails through Office365. Here's the relevant configuration:
set mailserver smtp.office365.com port 587
username "username" password "password"
using tlsv1
with timeout 30 seconds
Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Here's the relevant error from /var/log/monit.log
[PST Feb 27 06:40:48] error : Sendmail error: 534-5.7.9 Please log in with your web browser and then try again. Learn more at
(Yes, the error is truncated.)
The credentials are correct - I've successfully used them to log in to Office 365/Outlook. I've also used this account to send mail through a Rails app, so I'm assuming the configuration issue is on Monit's end, and not Microsoft's.
It seems someone ran into a similar roadbump here. While I can't find any documentation confirming that Monit supports TLS v1.1, I'd be surprised if it didn't (the spec is 8 years old now).
Is there something I'm missing?