Having this problem with subversion edge integration with Active Directory and I'm not sure whether it's setting issue or something else. Here is my setting for AD Authentication.
LDAP authentication against an LDAP server: X
LDAP Security Level: None
LDAP Server Host: myserver.mydomain.net
LDAP Server Port: 3268
LDAP Base DN: DC=mydomain,DC=net
LDAP Bind DN: myuser@mydomain.net
LDAP Bind Password: MyPassword
LDAP Login Attribute: sAMAccountName
LDAP Search Scope: Sub
LDAP Filter: (&(objectClass=user))
Console LDAP Authentication: Allow LDAP users to access the management console
Console LDAP Authentication Helper Port: 49156
Subversion Edge is installed on CentOS 6.4 64 bit.
We are using windows 2003 Server with very basic AD setting. We don't even use OU for the setting. However, when user trying to login, we keep getting this error.
[Tue Feb 25 19:23:58.794388 2014] [auth_basic:error] [pid 3420] [client] AH01618: user myuser@mydomain.net not found: /
Of course, myuser@mydomain.net does exist in the AD. I'm scratching my head feeling very confused. Anyone can give me a pointer/suggestion? Please help?