I want to know if I can use a single certificate for all the direct access functionality.
I am working at actually setting up DirectAccess on a relatively small network. Since this is a small network I am trying to find the minimum configuration necessary.
In a test environment I performed a quick install with the wizard for Direct Access letting it automatically generate self-signed certificates and the result was three certificates.
CN = DirectAccess.example.org
- Friendly Name: DirectAccess-IPHTTPS
- Purposes: Server Authentication
CN = CN = DirectAccess-NLS.example.org
- Friendly Name: DirectAccess-NLS
- Purposes: Server Authentication
CN = DirectAccess-RADIUS-Encrypt-servername.example.org
- Friendly Name: Certificate issued by Remote Access for RADIUS shared secrets
- Purposes: All
So to restate my question, do I really need 3 separate certificates here? Can I do this with a single certificate and Subject Alternative Names? From the descriptions I read the NLS and IPHTTPS certs are both used for HTTPS, which seem like they should support alt names.