Is this message familiar to someone ?

zfs-clu-01a rpcmod: [ID 851375 kern.warning] WARNING: svc_cots_kdup no slots 
zfs-clu-01a last message repeated 75220 times

We have a lot of trouble using NFS on ZFS . Actually we cannot copy big files (>500mo) over NFS and we have performance issues.

NFS client using NFSv3 over TCP

**--NFS Server Configuration :**

Concurrent NFSD Servers: 4096
NFSD queue length: 512
Concurrent LOCKD Servers: 4096
LOCKD queue length 512

**-- System configuration** 

**1/ Disable ZIL**
Settings -> Preferences -> System
Sys_zfs_nocacheflush            Yes (default: No)
Warning: it is unsafe without UPS

**2/Disable Nagel algoritm**
Settings -> Preferences -> Network
Net_tcp_naglim_def              1 (default: 4095)

**4/ disable sync**
Data Management -> Shares -> Folder xxx
Sync      disable (default: Standard)

I can provide more information if required.

-------- UPDATE 01 -------------

I have a new interesting thing :

The problem is only or most seen with "centos" system ( release 6.5 )

Same thing with Debian (last version) is working good on this file copy as the same time period

Here is more information :

    OS: Nexenta Ver. 31-5-0
    Load Average 1.25, 1.26, 1.21
    NFSv3 Server (configuration in my last email)


    Clients Number: 15 with very high access demand  and then we have more than 20 others low access
    Centos 6 and Debian 7
    NFS Client v3
    Mout options :
    nfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime,vers=3,rsize=16384,wsize=16384,proto=tcp,mountproto=tcp,nolock)
    Nics: 1x 1g
    Dedicated NFS vlan

2) zpool list

    syspool  464G 181G   283G 39% 1.00x ONLINE -
    tank1   6.52T 2.38T 4.13T 36% 1.00x ONLINE -

3) zpool status

    pool: syspool
    state: ONLINE
    scan: none requested
    syspool  ONLINE 0 0 0
    c0t0d0s0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    errors: No known data errors
    pool: tank1
    state: ONLINE
    scan: resilvered 190G in 81h49m with 0 errors on Sun Jan 26 15:35:10 2014

    tank1 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
        c6t5000C5005F0C34A7d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
        c6t5000C5005F1261CBd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-1 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005F531E2Fd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD1677Fd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-2 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD18BF7d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD1907Bd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-3 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t50000394B820EA30d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD1D133d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-4 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD73F97d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD7518Bd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-5 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FD7C2A3d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDC123Bd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-6 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDE1D13d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDEAFDFd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-7 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDEB127d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDEB513d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-8 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDF88CBd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5005FDF9C4Fd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-9 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C50067802A17d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C500678037A7d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-10 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5006780D6F7d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5006780DEB3d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    mirror-11 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5006780E90Fd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
            c6t5000C5006780E99Bd0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    c0t1d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    c0t2d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
    c6t5000C5006BF8C91Fd0 AVAIL
    errors: No known data errors

4) hddisco

    driver sd
    driver_instance 37
    device_type disk
    removable no
    media_present yes
    size 600127266816
    size_str 558.9GB
    caching_supported no
    vendor SEAGATE
    product ST600MM0006
    revision LS08
    serial S0M19QGA
    guid 5000c5006bf8c91f
    device_id id1,sd@n5000c5006bf8c91f
    is_ssd no
    mpxio_enabled yes
    parent mpxio
    parent_instance 0
    path_count 2
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 5
    P path_state ONLINE
    P target_port w5000c5006bf8c91d
    P end
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 4
    P path_state ONLINE
    P target_port w5000c5006bf8c91e
    P end
    driver sd
    driver_instance 26
    device_type disk
    removable no
    media_present yes
    size 600127266816
    size_str 558.9GB
    caching_supported no
    vendor SEAGATE
    product ST600MM0006
    revision LS06
    serial S0M04DCN
    guid 5000c5005f531e2f
    device_id id1,sd@n5000c5005f531e2f
    is_ssd no
    mpxio_enabled yes
    parent mpxio
    parent_instance 0
    path_count 2
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 5
    P path_state ONLINE
    P target_port w5000c5005f531e2d
    P end
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 4
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    driver sd
    driver_instance 27
    device_type disk
    removable no
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    size_str 558.9GB
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    vendor SEAGATE
    product ST600MM0006
    revision LS06
    serial S0M061KF
    guid 5000c5005fdeafdf
    device_id id1,sd@n5000c5005fdeafdf
    is_ssd no
    mpxio_enabled yes
    parent mpxio
    parent_instance 0
    path_count 2
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 5
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    P end
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    P parent_instance 4
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    driver sd
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    removable no
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    size_str 558.9GB
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    revision LS06
    serial S0M06GV9
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    path_count 2
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
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    P start
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    vendor SEAGATE
    product ST600MM0006
    revision LS06
    serial S0M05WCR
    guid 5000c5005fd1677f
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    is_ssd no
    mpxio_enabled yes
    parent mpxio
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    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 5
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    P target_port w5000c5005fd1677d
    P end
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
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    driver sd
    driver_instance 30
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    revision LS06
    serial S0M03SZR
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    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
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    P start
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    revision LS06
    serial S0M06JCM
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    revision DE06
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    P path_state ONLINE
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    revision LS06
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    mpxio_enabled yes
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    P parent_instance 5
    P path_state ONLINE
    P target_port w5000c5005fde1d11
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    P start
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    P path_state ONLINE
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    path_count 2
    P start
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    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 4
    P path_state ONLINE
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    revision LS06
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    P path_state ONLINE
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    P path_state ONLINE
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    path_count 2
    P start
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    P target_port w5000c5005fd1d131
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    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
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    path_count 2
    P start
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    P path_state ONLINE
    P target_port w5000c5006780deb1
    P end
    P start
    P parent mpt_sas
    P parent_instance 4
    P path_state ONLINE
    P target_port w5000c5006780deb2
    P end
    driver sd
    driver_instance 34
    device_type disk
    removable no
    media_present yes
    size 511503761408
    size_str 476.4GB
    caching_supported no
    vendor DELL
    product PERC H710
    revision 3.13
    serial 0022d14c0cc2ee9e1900ac67e7a0a38c
    guid 6b8ca3a0e767ac00199eeec20c4cd122
    device_id id1,sd@n6b8ca3a0e767ac00199eeec20c4cd122
    is_ssd no
    mpxio_enabled no
    lun_no 0
    parent mr_sas
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    driver sd
    driver_instance 33
    device_type disk
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    media_present yes
    size 511503761408
    size_str 476.4GB
    caching_supported no
    vendor DELL
    product PERC H710
    revision 3.13
    serial 0027a4060badee9e1900ac67e7a0a38c
    guid 6b8ca3a0e767ac00199eeead0b06a427
    device_id id1,sd@n6b8ca3a0e767ac00199eeead0b06a427
    is_ssd no
    mpxio_enabled no
    lun_no 0
    parent mr_sas
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    driver sd
    driver_instance 5
    device_type disk
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    vendor DELL
    product PERC H710
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    mpxio_enabled no
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    parent mr_sas
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    If this is NexentaStor and you have support, this would be a good case for them. I'll reach out to see of any of their engineers can help here. – ewwhite Feb 04 '14 at 22:11
  • Way more information necessary. What does 'hddisco' say (as this is a Nexenta box), what does 'zpool status' say, what is in 'dmesg', what is the hardware in question, what is the network environment, what are the clients you're testing from, are you sure you're using NFSv3 and not NFSv4 (some clients default to 4), how are you attempting to copy files. – Nex7 Feb 06 '14 at 18:26
  • Hi guys, thanks for your comments. As we don't have yet the support licences for that system, I'm not able to contact them for help but it is an interesting case. The coast for a small non profit association is huge :) It's in our pipe . – Givre Feb 07 '14 at 20:06
  • @Givre Please take note of the username of the person who responded to you. – ewwhite Feb 07 '14 at 20:48
  • @ewwhite thanks, I had noticed . We are using the Community Edition of NexentaStore that is why I'm not able to contact them for any support.I tried the Nexenta forum few days ago but I did not get any answer :) – Givre Feb 08 '14 at 04:28
  • What sort of performance do you get on the Debian system? – Nex7 Feb 14 '14 at 00:13
  • It is likely very telling that it is only happening on RHEL/CentOS clients, but I'm afraid that's not a smoking gun for me - nothing jumps to mind. Have you tried asking on a RHEL/CentOS support forum/area? That the problem is not repeatable on Debian would imply the problem is not with Nexenta, but with RHEL/CentOS specifically. – Nex7 Feb 14 '14 at 00:14
  • Also, for the record, we have 1000's of RHEL/CentOS clients talking to NexentaStor every day and aren't reporting similar problems. Can you tell us more about your environment? Does anything differ between the Debian and CentOS machines, other than the OS? Hardware? Where they're plugged in/network environment? VM vs hardware? – Nex7 Feb 14 '14 at 00:16
  • I had a working test ! Using no mount option, it's working.. One I put any mount option, I have the I/O error, For example : nfs vers=3,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,tcp With usually have nfs vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp and that was working grep until now . I don't understand what the system does to generate reach the error on NFS :( – Givre Feb 14 '14 at 03:45
  • So if I understand correctly, the problem appears when you override the defaults so that your r/wsizes are set to 4k? And that this only affects CentOS 6.5? If that's accurate, let me know, so I can try to replicate in lab. – Nex7 Feb 16 '14 at 09:15
  • Exactly, I cannot get any working configuration to copy a 1Go file over NFS if I try to override the defaults NFS parameter on client side. I'm pretty sure that was working before. Don't take to much time on that, if that was with all CentOS 6.5, you should have seen a lot of people in my case :) . Thanks you @Nex7 – Givre Feb 26 '14 at 17:23

1 Answers1


Hmms, look like the system (Nexenta) is getting too many NFS connections or you're hitting a bug. You could try to up the maxdupreqs, that could be masking the issue, but let's try that first:

echo 'rpcmod`maxdupreqs/W0t4096' | mdb -kw 
echo 'rpcmod`cotsmaxdupreqs/W0t4096' | mdb -kw 

To check what it's current value is use:

echo 'rpcmod`maxdupreqs::print' | mdb -k 
echo 'rpcmod`cotsmaxdupreqs::print' | mdb -k 

But maybe it helps.

Andrew Schulman
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  • Hi @Andrew, thanks for your suggestion, Even with that values I still have the problem. rpcmod: [ID 851375 kern.warning] WARNING: svc_cots_kdup no slots free Feb 9 20:16:36 zfs-clu-01a last message repeated 50370 times I cannot explain why this does not happen with Debian but I keep getting an error with Centos clients. – Givre Feb 09 '14 at 19:18