I'm trying to setup multiple LXC containers on a host, each with public static IPs of their own.
My host is running the latest Ubuntu. It has a single network interface named eth0. The static IPs are pingable from the internet and are named eth0:210, eth0:211... The numbers after the colon are the least significant byte of the addresses. In addition to these interfaces I have br0 setup on the host's public IP. There are also the lo, veth2LPP9A, and lxcbr0 interfaces. The lxcbr0 has the address of a private IP.
The host /etc/network/interfaces looks like:
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0
bridge_fd 0
So far I've used various online sources, including Bridging LXC containers to host eth0 so they can have a public IP to help me set this up.
The container's config file has:
lxc.network.type = veth
lxc.network.link = br0
I've removed the static lxc.network.ipv4 configuration from this file since it caused problems. When I ran lxc-ls --fancy with this configuration, I'd see the same public IP twice in the output. Additionally, it would mess with the subnet configuration of the container's /etc/network/interfaces.
Speaking of the container's interfaces file, it looks a bit like:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address [...]
#gateway [...]
post-up route add [...] dev eth0
post-up route add default gw [...]
post-down route del [...] dev eth0
post-down route del default gw [...]
I had to comment out the gateway and add the route add commands to this file. Otherwise, the container would take minutes to boot.
The /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-* files on the host are all set to 0. The /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward value is 1.
The problem is, even though the container's "route -n" looks like it should, I can't ping out of the container. SSHing to what should be the container's IP, connects me to the host.
EDIT: Removing the container's static IP from the host did help, but now I'm getting a new error. Trying to ping the container from the host results in Redirect HostFrom , New nexthop. The packets are just going from the gateway to the host, repeatedly. Running a traceroute from the host shows that the first stop is at the gateway. Then all of the other routes are * * *. I get the same problem regardless if the container is online or not.