In order to not pass garbage to the back-end, I have a strict regex for a location
directive. It looks like this:
location ^~ "/(some|stuff|more|bar|etc(-testing)?)/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/...(more|restrict).ext {
# other directives
I would like to fold the line at 80 chars, is there a way to split up the configuration? The following results in a syntax error, but is something I am looking for:
location ^~ "/(some|stuff|more|bar|etc(-testing)?)/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/"\
"...(more|restrict).ext" {
# results in a literal newline (%0A) being accepted
location ^~ "/(some|stuff|more|bar|etc(-testing)?)/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/
...(more|restrict).ext" {
I could not find hints in the documentation ( nor mention anything about folding lines)