So my Cisco UCS Server's BIOS is corrupt and needs reflashed.

When it boots it simply gives me the recovery instructions such as put the recovery.cap file in the root directory of a USB drive then restart. I've also tried it with mounting the recovery jumper, still does the same thing.

After a few seconds of waiting like the instructions say, it just says it can't find a valid recovery.cap file.

I've tried every USB port on it and nothing. I know they work because I've used keyboards on them prior to this.

I'm not able to access the CIMC when it's in this state, so from what I can see my only option is the recovery.cap, which so far I haven't had any luck with.

I don't have any KVM access or anything, just the physical server itself connected to a monitor.

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  • I'm guessing you are following the recovery procedure, but did you make sure the USB flash drive was formatted as FAT16 or FAT32 and not NTFS? – TheCleaner Jan 30 '14 at 16:19
  • Yeah, it was formatted correctly. I actually got it to work finally. I've just been rebooting and hoping and it randomly decided to work. – Darren Jan 30 '14 at 16:21
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    Sometimes all it takes is for you to get frustrated enough to write up a question here on SF and the server will fall in line. – TheCleaner Jan 30 '14 at 16:22
  • Yeah that's how it feels. I've been having trouble with this thing though, it's my first cisco server so I've been a bit lost. Just a bit more complicated than HP. – Darren Jan 30 '14 at 16:28

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