First time asking a question here so I hope I'm in the right place to do so. I've also searched for similar problems on here, but couldn't find anything quite as similar.

Here's my problem. We currently have a git server (using Gitorious) that is currently working well. I was asked to add an additional layer of security to the web interface by authenticating with Kerberos. So I went ahead and configured Apache to prompt for user authentication using mod_auth_kerb whenever a user attempts to go to the web interface. Everything works great as far as the web interface is concerned. However, when trying to git pull/push anything from the command line, it fails horribly.

Here is relevant information:

In my apache configuration, I tried the 2 following methods, both yielding the same results:

<Directory /home/git/active/>

        AuthName "Restricted Access Kerberos"
        AuthType Kerberos
        Krb5Keytab  /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.keytab
        KrbAuthRealms TEST.COMPANY.COM
        KrbMethodNegotiate On
        KrbMethodK5Passwd On
       require valid-user


<Location />

        AuthName "Restricted Access Kerberos"
        AuthType Kerberos
        Krb5Keytab  /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.keytab
        KrbAuthRealms TEST.COMPANY.COM
        KrbMethodNegotiate On
        KrbMethodK5Passwd On
        require valid-user


The following is what appears when trying to pull from the command line:

== Gitorious: ==========================================================

Access denied or wrong repository path


fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Seen in gitorious_auth.log:

I, [2014-01-17 15:02:47#8854]  INFO -- : Connection from " 59109 22" (beauclaira): git-receive-pack 'sysadmin/puppet.git'
I, [2014-01-17 15:02:47#8854]  INFO -- : Access denied or bad repository path for "beauclaira": "git-receive-pack 'sysadmin/puppet.git'"

And in /var/log/secure:

Jan 17 15:06:32 gitorious50 sshd[9286]: Accepted publickey for git from port 59146 ssh2
Jan 17 15:06:32 gitorious50 sshd[9286]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user git by (uid=0)
Jan 17 15:06:32 gitorious50 sshd[9288]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user
Jan 17 15:06:32 gitorious50 sshd[9286]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user git

Did I miss something? I don't quite understand why adding this authentication in Apache is preventing users from pushing/pulling. From this I'm guessing it still passes by Apache even when pulling from the command line? Is what I'm trying to do possible?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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  • Without knowing your SSH key configuration (any `command`, for example) it won't be possible to tell what's happening. – womble Aug 12 '15 at 22:54

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