basically I have a raspberry pi with multiple webserver daemons on different ports, to be specific lighttpd, apache, and the ADAFruit WebIDE. Basically here are the ways i need it to work[how would you best write the config file?]:

http://RasberryPi:80/ > http://localhost:8080/
https://RasberryPi:443/ > http://localhost:8080/
(or if it cant be done as root folder to be /apache)

http://RaspberryPi:80/WebIDE > http://localhost:8081/
https://RasberryPi:443/WebIDE > http://localhost:8081/

http://RasberryPi:80/lighttp > http://localhost:8082/
https://RasberryPi:443/lighttp > http://localhost:8082/

i know it should be something like what follows, but what if i dont want load balancing? and i do want https even if the destination server doesnt support it?:

frontend http-in
    acl has_special_uri path_beg /special
    use_backend special_server if has_special_uri
    default_backend webfarm

backend webfarm
    balance roundrobin
    cookie SERVERID insert
    option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
    option httpclose
    option forwardfor
    server webA cookie webA check
    server webB cookie webB check

backend special_server
    balance roundrobin
    cookie SERVERID insert
    option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
    option httpclose
    option forwardfor
    server webC cookie webC check

1 Answers1


You are basically almost there. Configure three backends:

  1. apache, with only the server localhost:8080
  2. lighttpd, with server localhost:8082
  3. webide, with server localhost:8081

Make apache your default backend. Add acls to use the other backends if the URI starts with the appropriate path.

Felix Frank
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