I have a minimal Debian 7 box and install Horde from this instructions: https://wiki.debian.org/Horde.

Request on http://localhost/horde gives

A fatal error has occurred
This system is currently deactivated.
Details have been logged for the administrator.

When going to http://localhost/horde/test.php the page complains for

Required Configuration Files
    config/conf.php: No
    You need to login to Horde as an administrator and create the configuration file.

In /srv/www/horde/horde/config I have:

$ cp conf.php.dist conf.php
$ ll conf.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data   3457 Jan  9 11:12 conf.php

Apache2 runs with default site with sym link in /var/www/horde -> /srv/www/horde.

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2 Answers2


maybe Horde actually wants you to go to http://localhost/horde/conf.php ?

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See my similar trouble in:
Looks that you have not copied/created conf.php. Best way is to copy it from config/conf.php.dist -> conf.php

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