For security reasons, I'm trying to remotely log all commands that users enter into the shell. I've got it to work by using this in my global bashrc:

PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a >(tee -a ~/.bash_history | logger -t "$(basename $SHELL)[$$]: ($USER)")'

However, each command is getting recorded only after it has completed. For long-running commands such as sudo su or mysql or even sleep 7000 && /bin/do_something_risky, this is a problem. So my question is: How can I log commands at the beginning of execution rather than at the end? Is this possible without something really painful such as hacking the Bash source code?

(Yes, I know a user could turn off this logging by overwriting PROMPT_COMMAND, but we'd know something was up if they were opening shells but nothing was getting recorded.)

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  • One thing that distinguishes this question from the one of which it is marked as a duplicate is the requirement that the entry be made at the beginning of execution. Take a look at using the `DEBUG` trap. – Dennis Williamson Jan 09 '14 at 15:19

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