I am having some problems with regular-expression with rewrite in NGiNX.

Here is my config:

location /wiki/ {
            rewrite ^/([^?]*)/([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))? /$1/index.php?title=$2&$3 last;

Here is the URL of the main page: //example.com/wiki/en/Main_Page

I have two problems.

First when I go to this URL: //example.com/wiki/en

It says the page does not exists. Is there a way to force a / to be added a the end of the "en" at the end of the URL? Because if you go to //example.com/wiki/en/ with the / at the end

Second problem:

The images are not loading.

Here is the URL of the position of MediaWiki images: //example.com/wiki/en/skins/common/images/image name

So is there a way for my regular expression to ignore the URL if it is trying to get an image?

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1 Answers1

location /wiki/ {
    rewrite ^/wiki/en$ /wiki/en/;
    rewrite ^/([^?]*)/([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))? /$1/index.php?title=$2&$3 last;
location /wiki/en/skins/common/images/ {
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  • en is the language used. How do you make it so that I can have multiple languages? Thanks. – jnbdz Nov 24 '13 at 20:24
  • By the way your config works. I just forgot to specify that "en" could be another value. Not more than two. – jnbdz Nov 24 '13 at 20:26
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    If in place of "en" there could be any two lower case letters, then use the following instead: `rewrite ^/wiki/[a-z][a-z]$ $uri/;`. – cnst Nov 24 '13 at 20:49