I'm trying to pin some packages from a specific subsection (gnome in this case) in Debian jessie. For subsection I mean: gnome, admin, x11, etc… This value is showed by apt-cache in the 'Section' field for any package.
There are a lot of example about use apt pinning based on origin (the 'o' parameter), label ('l'), release ('a'), etc... but none of them shows how to pin a subsection.
For reference, this is the most common example:
Package: *
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 450
Some other examples use wildcards on the Package line, but I'm not interested in pinning 'gnome*' packages since there are other packages in the gnome section that doesn't match that expression (see this link for the list)
What I'm want is something like this:
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=experimental,x=gnome
Pin-Priority: 450
I'm looking for that 'x' parameter which 'filters' by subsection, but I don't know its name or even if it exists. The documentation about apt-pinning, as many of you may already know, it's very imprecise and incomplete.