I am trying to set up a Linux Server which was initially only supposed to be in one "server-subnet". However I am forced to use a proxy to access HTTP/HTTPS services in this subnet, which causes a lot of problems with my web applications, that need to access an API over HTTPS.
Fortunately the Server is connected to a second "client subnet", which offers unrestricted access to HTTP/HTTPS services. I configured both NICs and now I got the server subnet on eth0 and the client subnet on eth1.
I was reading up on similar issues and the closest I found was this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/104400/how-to-put-all-traffic-and-on-one-interface-and-some-traffic-on-another-interfac I followed the instructions and changed the ports and interfaces accordingly (eth0's gateway being the default gateway) :
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -o eth0 -j MARK --set-mark 1
ip rule add fwmark 1 table 1
ip route add table 1 dev eth1
However this doesn't seem to work.
I was wondering whether it is actually possible, from a technical point of view, to even create certain routing rules, that allow to route local outgoing HTTP/HTTPS traffic over another subnet.