I am building Apache server 2.4.6 from source and am not sure about a few warning messages I received during the rpm build process. The build completes OK and everything seems fine..BTW, this is on CentOS 5.5...

During the make install process in the spec file (%install):

/home/johnm/dev/project1/install/linux/BUILD/httpd-2.4.6/srclib/apr/libtool --silent --mode=install install mod_authn_file.la /home/johnm/dev/project1/install/linux/tmp/usr/local/apache2/modules/

libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/local/apache2/modules'

What is this warning message about?? remember to run libtool --finish ??

Also, I see this:

libtool: install: warning: `/home/johnm/dev/project1/install/linux/BUILD/httpd-2.4.6/srclib/apr-util/libaprutil-1.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache2/lib'

I am building Apache in a temp directory but libtools seems to be looking in the wrong place (/usr/local/apache2/lib instead of /home/johnm/dev/project1/install/linux/tmp/usr/local/apache2/lib). This seems like something I can blow off??

In my specfile I set DESTDIR to /home/johnm/dev/project1/install/linux/tmp where the install files are placed:

export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
make install

Both messages appear numerous times during the make process. When I install the rpm on the system, everything appears to work without problems..Thinking I can ignore these messages??? or am I missing something important??

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1 Answers1


I was missing way to many important items by trying to use my own spec file which caused the problem I was seeing above.

I found the best way to build Apache was to take the httpd.tar.gz file and use the httpd.spec file that is included. I basically followed the steps located here:


The problem of libuuid-devel being unavailable for CentOS 5.5 or 5.7 is also addressed in the blog too. Which is basically use e2fsprogs-devel and modify httpd.spec file to point to this instead of libuuid-devel.

Using these directions, I was able to get a rpm built which would install and work without any errors in the log file.

Chaminda Bandara
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