Today I noticed my website http://mint-nachhilfe.ch/ was down, but other people (located in different networks) said it looks up from there. When I came home, I double-checked, and I can really reach it from here. Also, this website considers it down.

Some facts:

  • It's a Tomcat webapp, connected to an Apache2 server. I restarted both, no change.
  • Another (ruby on rails) application is connected to this Apache2, which I couldn't reach either, but is considered online by above check website.
  • At any point, I could directly connect to the Tomcat over http://mint-nachhilfe.ch:8080!

I don't know how to go on searching for the root error. I assume it's related to the Apache2 server, but how could that be?


It is reachable directly by the IP I got from an nslookup triggered inside the problematic network. The problem seems to be related to Apache's domain distinction. My VirutualHost entry looks as follows (there are few others as well):

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.mint-nachhilfe.ch
    ServerAlias mint-nachhilfe.ch *.mint-nachhilfe.ch

    JkMount /* worker1

Is there anything wrong here?

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    http://ping.ms/#mint-nachhilfe.ch says the server is reachable from just about everywhere. Must be Apache if you're still seeing issues. Anything in Apache's error logs about denied requests or whatever? – Chris S Oct 17 '13 at 15:21
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    What does your apache httpd.conf file say? Are there any deny from's in there? – Travis Stoll Oct 17 '13 at 15:34
  • My `httpd.conf` is empty. The error log says a lot of things I don't completely understand (I'm no server expert). In the time when I tried to access it, there's only one entry: `server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting`. Not sure what this means exactly. Also, the problem persisted after a restart. – Cedric Reichenbach Oct 17 '13 at 17:51
  • Wouldn't the error you're getting suggest that you edit the Tomcat configuration and change the `MaxClients` setting? What OS are you running your Apache/Tomcat on? – Deesbek Oct 17 '13 at 18:32
  • @ChrisS: I could always successfully ping the server, even ssh worked flawlessly. – Cedric Reichenbach Oct 18 '13 at 16:38
  • @Deesbek: The server is running on Ubuntu 10.04. – Cedric Reichenbach Oct 18 '13 at 16:40
  • (updated the question) – Cedric Reichenbach Oct 18 '13 at 18:12

1 Answers1


Look for and edit the MaxClients in your Tomcat configuration.

Restart your Tomcat server.

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