collectd is available for FreeBSD. From the collectd website:
collectd gathers statistics about the system it is running on and
stores this information. Those statistics can then be used to find
current performance bottlenecks (i.e. performance analysis) and
predict future system load (i.e. capacity planning). Or if you just
want pretty graphs of your private server and are fed up with some
homegrown solution you're at the right place, too ;).
You can collect lots of information with the plugins it ships with, and you
can roll your own with its various language bindings.
If you want to use it on more than one host, you can collect data with collectd on one host as an agent and make it forward the data using the network
plugin and plot RRD graphs there, or plug it into Grafana (for example with the kafka
output plugin) and make more fancy graphs there.
From the FreshPorts page:
The following configuration options are available for collectd5-5.8.0_1:
CGI=off: Install collection.cgi (requires rrdtool)
GCRYPT=on: Build with libgcrypt
JAVA=off: Java platform support
LOGGING=on: Enable debug logging
LOGSTASH=off: Enable log_logstash plugin (requires json)
VIRT=off: Enable libvirt plugin (requires XML)
Options available for the group INPUT
CHRONY=off: Enable chronyd plugin
CURL=off: Enable curl-based plugins (apache, nginx, etc)
CURL_JSON=off: Enable curl_json plugin (implies curl and json)
CURL_XML=off: Enable ascent, bind, curl_xml plugins (implies curl and xml)
DBI=off: Enable dbi plugin
IPMI=off: Enable OpenIPMI plugin
JSON=off: Enable JSON plugins
MEMCACHEC=off: Enable memcachec plugin
MODBUS=off: Enable modbus plugin
MQTT=off: Enable MQTT broker metrics
MYSQL=off: Enable mysql-based plugins
NUTUPS=off: Enable nut (ups) plugin
OLSRD=off: Enable olsrd plugin
ONEWIRE=off: Eanble onewire plugin (via owfs)
OPENLDAP=off: Enable OpenLDAP plugin
PERL=off: Enable libperl plugin and binding
PGSQL=off: Enable postgresql-based plugins
PINBA=off: Enable pinba plugin (via protobuf-c)
PING=on: Enable ping plugin
PYTHON=off: Enable python-based plugins
RABBITMQ=off: Enable rabbitmq-based plugins
REDIS=off: Enable redis-based plugins
ROUTEROS=off: Enable routeros plugin
SIGROK=off: Enable sigrok plugin
SNMP=off: Enable SNMP plugin
STATSD=off: Enable statsd plugin
TOKYOTYRANT=off: Enable tokyotyrant plugin
VARNISH=off: Enable varnish 4.x cache statistics
XML=off: Enable XML plugins
XMMS=off: Enable xmms plugin
ZOOKEEPER=off: Enable zookeeper plugin
Options available for the group OUTPUT
KAFKA=off: Enable write_kafka plugin
MONGODB=off: Enable write_mongodb plugin (BROKEN)
NOTIFYDESKTOP=off: Enable desktop notifications
NOTIFYEMAIL=off: Enable notifications via email
PROMETHEUS=off: Enable write prometheus plugin
RIEMANN=off: Enable write_riemann plugin (via riemann-c-client)
RRDTOOL=off: Enable rrdtool plugin (also rrdcached plugin)
TSDB=off: Enable write_tsdb plugin