So i've setup NTP on my linux CentOS server but my server time is still off by 1 hour. Currently it is 3:53am EST however, on my linux machine it shows "2:53 AM EST" this is with NTP and using ntpdate time.nist.gov and couple other servers trying to sync my server's time but all of this still have my server 1 hour behind the EST time.

Anyone know how to possibly fix this?

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2 Answers2


Make sure that you have an up to date tzdata package. If you rely on correct time display, then this is a critical package you should keep up to date, as it holds all of the worldwide rules for daylight saving time.

Make sure you set the desired timezone in /etc/sysconfig/clock in addition to setting up /etc/localtime.

Make sure you aren't accidentally using the US/East-Indiana zone, which does not observe daylight saving time.

Michael Hampton
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  • I found the complete solution here: http://serverfault.com/questions/380561/how-do-i-change-timezone-in-centos-6-2 – user1952811 Oct 06 '13 at 19:10

EST is UTC -5. EDT is UTC -4.

So, when you say Currently it is 3:53am EST you mean Currently it is 3:53am Eastern, which is currently EDT.

How exactly did you configure your server's time zone settings? It's correct in reporting a difference of 5 hours from UTC in EST. However, since we're currently in daylight savings, so you probably want your server running EDT (and switching between EST and EDT as appropriate).

Shane Madden
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  • I didn't actually configure the timezone settings. But yes, I need it to switch between EST / EDT so it is always synced, any idea how I can do that? – user1952811 Oct 06 '13 at 08:56